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The Calm Before the Storm: Addressing Race as a Vulnerability
Before and After Hurricane Katrina CME/CE
Dabney P Evans, MPH
The 133rd meeting of the American Public Health Association
(APHA) was scheduled to take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, in
November 2005. However, due to the devastating effects of Hurricane
Katrina, the meeting was postponed until December and held in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is impossible to discuss the issues
facing public health professionals today without attempting to
address both the preexisting and exacerbated conditions of
population vulnerability surrounding Hurricane Katrina.
Katrina exposed hidden pockets of the poor and disenfranchised in
the United States, in addition to revealing discriminatory practices
and policies in our society that many Americans may have thought
were ancient history.[1] After all, slavery was abolished
nearly 150 years ago and integration established 2 generations ago.
Yet we know that even in the most affluent and developed country in
the world, there are vulnerable Americans among
Defining Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations
The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural
Rights (CESCR) defines vulnerable populations as "segments of the
population which are or should be the recipients of special care and
attention."[3] Defining vulnerable groups further can
prove difficult, but broadly speaking, vulnerability may encompass
the following factors:
- Age;
- Sex;
- Race or ethnicity (including minorities, rural populations
and/or people living in disaster-prone areas);
- Health status;
- Liberty status (such as detainees or prisoners); and
- Others (eg, homelessness, refugee or asylum-seeking
Parsing out multiple vulnerabilities such as race, gender,
socioeconomic status, and health status are not possible within the
confines of this conference coverage. However, it is important to
note that the cumulative effect of co-vulnerability or membership in
multiple vulnerable groups cannot and must not be underestimated.
Often these individual vulnerabilities may in fact be a determining
factor, if not the cause, of additional
A recent New York Times study (based on a convenience
sample of 260 individuals who died due to Hurricane Katrina) found
that almost three quarters of the black victims lived in
neighborhoods where the average annual income was below the city
average of $43,000. Not surprisingly, the Times also found
that in New Orleans, the median income for whites is almost twice
what it is for blacks. Most of the individuals in the study were
Louisiana natives, and almost all were members of the working class
-- highlighting the ways in which multiple vulnerabilities may build
upon one another.[6]
Race: Biological or Sociological Construct?
The scientific community is currently debating whether race
should be understood as a biological or social
construct.[1] The basis of the biological argument is now
primarily focused on mapped variations in the human genome that
exist across the 5 racial subcategories. However, counterarguments
to this view include the fact that Homo sapiens are 1 single
species that share 99.9% of their human DNA.[7] In fact,
in early racial typology, Blumenbach[7] arrived at the
conclusion that all humans belong to 1 species with equal
capacities.Error! Bookmark not defined. In regard to health
research, race has not been proven to effectively predict the cause,
prevalence, individual vulnerability to, or outcome of
Race as a social construct can be understood as "an amalgamation
of ancestry, education, language, literacy, and economic and social
status."[7] However, the category of race is still used
in health data reporting. Disaggregation is a valuable component in
identifying the specific vulnerabilities faced by racial and ethnic
groups; however, caution should be paid to ensure that
discrimination and stigma are not perpetuated by such reporting.
Between 1982 and 1985, the United States Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) classified Haitians as a risk group for HIV
along with homosexuals and heroin users.[8] Such
classifications may have contributed to stigma and discrimination
against individuals within these groups regardless of their HIV
status. Since that time, the public health community has moved
toward identifying "risk behaviors" as opposed to risk groups.
Even given the existing arguments that there is no biological
basis for perpetuating the category of race as such, there is no
denying that the historical categorization of race has resulted in
discriminatory treatment. Race as a biological category may not
exist, but race as a socioeconomic factor and racism in its many,
sometimes insidious forms, do. Katrina has reminded us that just
because the Jim Crow doctrine of "separate but equal" no longer
exists in the law, it may in fact exist in practice.[9]
This was made obvious by news media reports that depicted images of
black Americans who "looted" after Katrina while white Americans
"searched" for food.
Race and Health Under International Law
The right to health is included in several international and
regional treaties.[10] Unfortunately, due to the
historical split between civil, political, economic, social, and
cultural rights, the United States is not a party to many of the
binding treaties that include the right to health.
Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
provides a broad definition of the right to health in stating,
"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the
health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food,
clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services,
and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness,
disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in
circumstances beyond his control."[11] The United States
is a signatory to this 1948 Declaration.
Additionally, the United States has ratified the International
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
(CERD). This internationally binding treaty requires all states that
are party to the treaty to prohibit and eliminate racial
discrimination and includes an article on the right to health.
Article 5 of CERD states, "...States Parties undertake to prohibit
and to eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms and to
guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race,
colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law,
notably in the enjoyment of the following rights...(iv) The right to
public health, medical care, social security and social
Further, all international and regional human rights treaties,
including many to which the United States is a party, contain what
is known as the "nondiscrimination clause." This term refers to
standard language often phrased as, "regardless of race, sex,
religion, language or other status." The United Nations Commission
on Human Rights has indicated in several reports that the term
"other status" may include health status.[13] The
nondiscrimination clause makes clear the concept of universality of
human rights; that is, that human rights apply to all individuals
regardless of demographic or other defining characteristics.
The Problem of Health Disparities
Black Americans constitute 12% of the US population, yet suffer
disproportionately with regard to several infectious and chronic
diseases.[14] The fact that health disparities exist is
not up for debate...
"the infant death rate among African Americans is still more than
double that of whites. Heart disease death rates are more than 40
percent higher for African Americans than for whites. The death rate
for all cancers is 30 percent higher for African Americans than for
whites; for prostate cancer, it is more than double that for whites.
African American women have a higher death rate from breast cancer
despite having a mammography screening rate that is nearly the same
as the rate for white women. The death rate from HIV/AIDS for
African Americans is more than seven times that for whites; the rate
of homicide is six times that for whites.[15]
Factors contributing to poorer health outcomes among black
Americans include discrimination, cultural barriers, and lack of
access to health care systems.[16] At the 2001 World
Conference Against Racism, racial discrimination was identified as a
social determinant of health and a call for the elimination of
health disparities as a result of such racial discrimination,
especially as it applies to health systems, was
issued.[17] In a recent study conducted by the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard School of Public Health, 23%
of blacks reported receiving poor quality medical care because of
their race or ethnicity, compared with 1% of
Discrimination as a result of race is a social determinant of
health, and such social determinants affect both the distribution
and outcomes of disease.[19] These negative outcomes may
reinforce existing inequalities. A few recent examples illustrate
some additional issues surrounding race and health disparities,
including increased vulnerability and decreased accessibility.
An analysis performed by the Associated Press illustrates the
role race may play in vulnerability and disparities. Neighborhoods
with the highest pollution tend to be poorer, less educated, and to
have higher rates of unemployment than those without such
environmental risks. Carol Browner, former head of the Environmental
Protection Agency, stated, "Poor communities, frequently communities
of color but not exclusively, suffer disproportionately" when it
comes to environmental risks.[20]
Although black Americans may be more likely to be exposed to
negative environmental pollution, they suffer the "double whammy" of
having less opportunity to participate in research that may improve
health status. A recent study conducted by the National Institutes
of Health showed that minorities would participate in health
research at the same rates as other racial and ethnic groups if
given the opportunity. "The main barrier is access, knowledge that
these studies exist, eligibility criteria that ensure that
minorities can participate, and overcoming logistical barriers that
Eliminating Health Disparities
The elimination of health disparities has been called the civil
rights issue of the 21st century.[22] The anecdotes above
elucidate how integral the issues of access and availability are to
inclusive health research. It is the role of government to ensure
that such special allowances, care, and attention are given as
called for in the very definition of vulnerable groups under
international law.[23] In addition to the legal
obligation implied by ratification of CERD, a recent study found
that 65% percent of Americans believe that the federal government
should do more to address racial and ethnic health
Several initiatives have been undertaken at the federal level to
address health disparities. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report,
"Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in
Health Care," makes recommendations in the following broad
- Legal and policy interventions;
- Health systems interventions;
- Patient education and empowerment;
- Cross-cultural education in the health professions;
- Data collection and monitoring; and
- Needed research.[25]
Although the IOM recommendations address important issues such as
cross-cultural education, the use of community health workers, and
the collection of data identifying the sources of and barriers to
eliminating health disparities, the report fails to address several
other important factors. Namely, the report does not address the
- Issues of power inherent to the doctor/patient as well as the
privileged/vulnerable status many times inherent in the healthcare
delivery setting;
- Structural violence such as systemic racism within the
healthcare system and societal racism and discrimination more
- Social and economic barriers including the issue of
nonuniversal healthcare (The United States is the only developed
country in the world that does not ensure universal access to
healthcare/health insurance.)[26]
- Human and civil rights obligations of the United States and
the implications of persistent health disparities as a violation
of the right to health under Article 5 of
Sojourner Truth proclaimed that we are all interconnected in the
struggle to achieve our full potential. Currently, more than 45
million Americans do not have health insurance.[28] The
populations most affected by health disparities are expected to grow
as a proportion of the US population.[14] Therefore, the
future of health as a whole in the United States will be impacted.
Public health approaches most often take a utilitarian approach that
seeks the greatest good for the greatest number. The health of the
public can only be measured by the status of the most vulnerable
among us, and that number is growing.[29]
The winds of Hurricane Katrina brought to light the issues of
race and vulnerability in the United States today. She blew the
annual APHA meeting north to Philadelphia, "The City of Brotherly
Love." But rather than be lulled by the calm after the storm, let us
now engage in addressing the preeminent challenge facing us today,
one that is both a moral and legal obligation -- the elimination of
racial discrimination and health disparities.
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- Jenkins, B. Eliminating health disparities: Misinformation and
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Session 4206.0, Abstract 120659.
- United Nations. Committee on Economic Social and Cultural
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Available at: http://www.ohchr.org/english/law/cerd.htm. Accessed
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- See, for example, the United Nations Commission of Human
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- Census Bureau, Census 2000 Brief: Overview of Race and
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- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Americans' Views of
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2006: 345-370.
- Livingston M. Political context. Program and abstracts of the
American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting; December
10-14, 2005: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Session 3315.0, Abstract
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