Christopher Zorn
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Phone: 404-727-6615
Fax: 404-727-4586
















Christopher Zorn, B.A., Northeast Missouri State University; Ph.D. (1997), Ohio State University. Specialization: American politics and quantitative methods. His current research examines a range of topics in American political institutions, including federal government litigation, U.S. Supreme Court agenda-setting, and separation-of-powers models, as well as research on event count, survival, and repeated-measures models for quantitative research. He is the author of numerous articles in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and other journals. He is a past winner of the Edward S. Corwin Award and the American Judicature Society Award (twice), and a John M. Olin Foundation Faculty Fellowship. Professor Zorn will be on leave to the National Science Foundation for the 2003-2004 academic year.


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