Martha Albertson Fineman
Robert W. Woodruff Professor
Director, Feminism and Legal Theory Project

School of Law
Emory University
1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322

Telephone: 404.712.2421
Fax: 404.727.1973

Martha Albertson Fineman is the newest Woodruff Professor, the highest honor Emory can bestow on a faculty member. An internationally recognized law and society scholar, Fineman is a leading authority on family law and feminist jurisprudence. Following graduation from University of Chicago Law School, Fineman clerked for the Hon. Luther M. Swygert of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, and then taught at University of Wisconsin and Columbia University. She joined Cornell Law School in 1999 to become the first endowed Chair in the nation in Feminist Jurisprudence. Her scholarly interest is in the legal regulation of intimacy. Fineman is founder and director of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, which was inaugurated in 1984. Fineman's publications include The Autonomy Myth: A Theory of Dependency, The New Press (2003); "Taking Children's Interest Seriously," Nomos; "Why Marriage?" University of Virginia Journal of Law and Social Policy (2001); The Neutered Mother, and The Sexual Family and other Twentieth Century Tragedies, Routledge Press (1995). She has received awards for her writing and teaching and has served on several government study commissions. She teaches family law, feminist jurisprudence, law and sexuality, and seminars on reproductive issues and select topics in feminist legal theory.

Research interests: women, sexuality, gender, children, vulnerable populations, social goods, law, law reform

Human rights courses: LAW 836 – Reproductive Issues: offered every two years, fall semester; LAW 681 – Sexuality and the Law: offered every two years, fall semester.

Publications related to human rights:

Mothers in Law: Feminism and the Legal Regulation of Motherhood, Columbia University Press (1995)

The Public Nature of Private Violence, Routledge Press (1994)

“Why Marriage” In For and Against Marriage: Strategies to Critique, Defend, Reform, and Apprise a Venerable Legal Category, edited by Anita Bernstein (forthcoming, New York University Press 2005)

“Equality Across Legal Cultures: The Role of International Human Rights,” 21 Thomas Jefferson Law Review 1 (2005).

“A Legal (and Otherwise) Realist Response to “Sex as Contract” 4 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 128 (1994).